Selective Mutism
Selective Mutism is a highly misunderstood and mistreated condition. It is considered a childhood disorder, yet can continue into or even begin in adulthood. In the US, it is not recognized in teens or adults which can make it very difficult to find professional help for this disorder. Due to the name most people believe that those with the disorder are choosing when not to speak, when really it's called Selective Mutism because the mutism decides when they can speak. While it is better known in children today, in the past, because it was believed children were simply choosing not to speak, professionals believed the children that had it needed to be forced to speak which often made the condition worse. Most professionals know now that Selective Mutism is a type of anxiety disorder that makes it difficult to communicate with people. While the Mutism part implys that it only impacts someone's ability to speak out loud, it also often affects their ability to communicate through any means. Below, we have shared some of, what we feel, are the best and most informative quotes and more about Selective Mutism. Besides what we have shared below, you can also go to Jennifer has a section featuring her personal experiences living with Selective Mutism.